Under general circumstances, Yongwen website visitors are not required to provide personally identifiable information when visiting the Yongwen website - such as your name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc. – unless visitors choose to fill out some forms, found on many of the pages of the site, or to email us directly. In some cases, such as online consultation, job search, or subscription services, we may collect the necessary personal information based on visitors’ requests and serve the purposes they recognize. We will restrict this information to the necessary purpose and scope.
Yongwen will not disclose personally identifiable information that we collect through visitors’ use of the site to unaffiliated third parties. We reserve the right, however, to provide such information to our employees, contractors, agents, and designees to the extent necessary to enable them to perform certain site-related services on our behalf. We also reserve the right to disclose such information to any third party if we believe that we are required to do so.
For the purpose of statistics and analysis of the number of views on this website, we may temporarily retain visitors’ domain names.
Thank you for your support!